SafeTinspector Essays
Sunday, May 29, 2005
  Big Fish Story
This story was written in 2003
It is intended for children, so is quite a bit different in tone than my other work.

      Once upon a time there was a small boy named Peter Bucephalus, and this little boy lived in a small house with his parents next to a great, big, dark lake called Lake Formicabed. Peter's bedroom window overlooked the lake, and every night before bed he looked out the window at the lake and would wish that he was a fish.
      Not just any fish, Peter wanted to be a great big fish, the king of all the fishes in Lake Formicabed. You see, Peter and his father had gone fishing many times since they'd moved into the little house, and the fish he caught always looked so happy, so friendly that they'd always thrown them back. Surely it would be fun to live with those happy fish and have reign over their underwater world.
      One night, long after Peter should have been sleeping, long after his parents had gone to sleep, he looked out his window and wished his wish again.
      “I wish I were the great fish king, Peter the Scaley! I would be the best king ever.”
      No sooner had he said this than the water in the middle of the lake began to bubble and spin like water in a drain. A light shone from the depths of lake Formicabed, and a whistling sound began to rise out of the foam. Then, with a loud 'sploosh', the biggest fish Peter had ever seen sprang out of the water and landed smack on the grass outside Peter's window.
      “I heard your wish,” said the big fish, “and I've got to say, I am very relieved!”
      Peter couldn't speak, and just stared. The fish continued,
      “I'm king Glubby the Great and Gargantuan! And I have been working so hard for so long, and I just need a vacation. I have some special magic, and I can make your wish come true for one night while I go and have fun. What do you say?”
      Peter thought about it. Why shouldn't he become king of the fishies?
      “Yes! I would love to become king for a night!”
      As soon as the words came out of his mouth, King Glubby began spinning, chanting, “For one night, and one night only, this event is not to be missed. Make this boy king of Formicabed lake, as soon as he is kissed.” and with that, Glubby jumped up and kissed Peter.
      Peter flew from the window, and hung above the lake. His arms became fins, his legs stuck together and gills sprouted from his neck. Into the lake he went!
      Once in the lake, he was surrounded by fish. They were happy to see him, but not for any reason Peter liked. They were all complaining at once about things. This one was unhappy that his house was next to a slimey spot. That one said his wife had stolen a pretty shell from him. Another one said it was too loud by the clambed since the young clams took up tubaplaying. No wonder Glubby wanted a vacation! Being the king was hard work.
      Peter spent the whole night trying hard to solve everyone's problems. When morning came, Glubby finally appeared next to him.
      “Did you have fun, kid?” asked the Great and Gargantuan.
      “No! I just want to go home!” wailed Peter.
      “Well, thanks for the vacation anyway. So long!”
      Peter began spinning, shooting towards the surface of the lake. His arms grew back, his legs grew back and as he flew out of the water towards his house, the gills dissapeared.
      Peter woke up in his bed and looked around his room. He never ever ever wished he was a king of ANYTHING ever again.
The End.
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Essays and Short Stories from SafeTinspector - Some of these essays detail events that may have actually happened - However, please understand that even these “true” stories may have been either fictionalized or romanticized in some way for dramatic effect - Such stories are intended to have an impact, but not to necessarily represent events in a factual or impirical light.

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